Thursday, June 29, 2006

Getting by With Some Help from our Friends

JT and B have been buddies since they were three years old. When you're six, that means that you've been friends for half of your life. Impressive, that. Both boys still remember their first play date when J and I let them play in mud puddles and hosed them off before we trundled them home.

This week we have seen B every day because we are at the pool together for swimming lessons. As JT's lesson ends, B's is getting started and so they have a few minutes to hang out and make one another laugh. It's been a nice treat every morning. And this afternoon, we met at the pool again to play and have some summer fun. B brought his friend E and the three kids jumped into the pool and splashed about. JT even tried some floating and he went down the frog slide a zillion times and was still eager for more.

It was a nice distraction on a rough day and a good reminder that friendship, sun and laughter are a good remedy for what ails us.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crow, where is that slide? Will it accomodate a "grownup"?
