Monday, June 26, 2006

In Which Our Hero Learns to Swim

JT started swimming lessons this morning. He was nervous and unhappy about my edict that he must learn to swim. He told me last night, "I'll drown Mama and then you'll be sorry." I didn't laugh at this bold announcement. I was reassuring but firm: he will swim.

We went to lessons this morning and it was raining. JT looked glum as he entered the pool. Soon he was sticking his face in the water, turning his arms around, floating and kicking around with the kickboard, and fetching rings off of the steps. His last accomplishment was to jump into the pool (the instructor caught him of course). Then he came running to where I was sitting and announced that he couldn't wait for tomorrow's lesson.

So (happily) he didn't drown. And I'm not sorry. We all won today.


  1. Totally inspiring. Gotta get my boy some lessons!

  2. Go JT!!! As a Pisces, I can only say that water is magical... and I am glad he is discovering it.
