Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mean, Mean, Mama

Captain Fun showed up at noon today for her weekly visit with JT. And I was pleased to see that the dermatitus that sometimes afflicted her left eyelid has now inflamed her right eyelid as well. She looked awful --- red-eyed and itchy. And I didn't even feel bad. If anything, I was mildly amused. It must cost her some serious pride points to show up at my house looking like death on a cracker.

I wish I had a photo to share, but it just seemed in bad taste to ask to make her picture.

I am mean, but I'm not usually tacky.


  1. Perhaps it would have been bad taste, but it might have been a whole lot of fun!

  2. Ahh, sweet schadenfreude!

    Mwwah haah haah haah!
