Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can't I Read the Reviews?

After a few hours in the pool this afternoon, JT and I came home for that old summer favorite: supper in front of a movie. Tonight's pick was "Because of Winn Dixie" and it marks the third time this summer that I have selected a movie about a child pining for their lost mother. Nice. So I cried, OF COURSE, and JT cuddled against me and patted my arm and said, 'I'm sorry that you are crying Mama."

I am recovering nicely and it was yet another reminder that I totally hit the kid jackpot when that boy was sent my way.


  1. how can you NOT "hit the kid jack pot"? you are impossible not to love.


  2. Dude, you need a movie selection intervention! Call me on my cell the next time you cross the threshold of your local movie-rentin' establishment and I'll go all imdb on your a**.

    You know I'm just jealous that you're such a good cryer.

    Let's hope our boys stay sweet, right? They are going to be MAJOR catches someday.
