Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mama Powers Activated

Okay, as we all know, yesterday pretty much sucked.

I was determined not to have a repeat performance today. So the Mama Cleaning Tsunami came back for a second day and I went to town. Floors clean. Bathrooms clean. Kitchen scoured and fridge cleaned out. Clean sheets for Mama's bed. A few loads of laundry washed, dried and put away. New flowers from the garden. I was a machine.

I tackled the trunk of my car, still in disarray from the blown tire a few weeks back. I had been dreading this chore because I didn't know if I could put things back in place. But I got out the manual, read the directions, and soon had the grocery rack back in place.

Then we hit the grocery store and when we came home JT helped me to make some cookies. I'm feeling my Mama powers big time.


  1. This reminds me of UCLA when we would avoid studying by cleaning our dorm room :)

  2. Miss tlc, you've got a mouth on you. The answer, by the way, is that I change the sheets every week, whether they need it or not.

    A-belle: We'll talk soon!
