Thursday, August 31, 2006

November '06: House o' Monkeys

November '06 is notable not just because I am going to turn 39 (sweet Jesus) but also because it may just be that the Democrats have what it takes to hand Republicans their Congressional ass on a platter. Of the 40 most competitive House races, 31 of the seats are occupied by Republican incumbents. So that means 31 GOP folks in the hot seat and just 9 Democrats feeling the pinch.

And though the school year hasn't started, some rudimentary math is in order here. The magic number for Democrats is 218...that will buy them control of the House. They need to win just 24 of the big 40 races to make that happen. If they hold all the seats they have now, plus their 9 incumbent seats in the competitive 40......well then they only need to get 24 of the 31 remaining seats in the Big 4-0 and then bingo, Nancy Pelosi will be calling the shots. Historically, in a year when the incumbent party is not feeling the nation's love (yeah, I'm talking to you my red elephant friend) winning 24 out of 30 ain't no big deal. And the fact that the Republicans in trouble are running screaming from any association with GWB just isn't good news for the GOP.

In just a few short days I will have access to 16 bright minds who actually give a damn about this. As JT would say: bring it on.

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