Friday, August 11, 2006

Real Life Conversations, part I

JT: "Can I go to swimming lessons without my shoes?"

Mama: "No."

JT: "You always tell me no."

Mama: "I don't say no to you often enough."

JT: "You told me no yesterday when I asked if I could have a fudgesicle with my ice cream."

Mama: "Good point. Maybe you should call the authorities."

JT: "Authorities!"

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA.

    let me add another recent conversation of "no's"

    JT: can i have my goggles?

    Stacy: no're in the bathtub.

    J.T: so? i wanna see this really cool thing.

    Stacy: no.

    MEAN MAMA. HA. i'm just kidding. even though it was QUITE comical.
