Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why We Love Krystalle

Krystalle joined us for supper tonight and we made some rocky road fudge to get her through the next 10 days, as she gets ready to head off to college. She and JT played pirate and played some video games and we all laughed a lot.

Krystalle has become one of the family here at Second Street and we will miss her like crazy when she goes. But we are so proud of her and we know that she will be a terrific success in college. And to send her off with some good karma in her back pocket, after she left tonight JT and I made a list of the things that we love best about Krystalle. We took turns.......

JT's list:
1. She's good at video games.
2. She's a good bike rider.
3. Her bedroom is messier than mine.
4. She's pretty good at playing pirates.
5. She loves me and I love her.

Mama's list:
1. She's wise beyond her years.
2. She takes great care of the both of us.
3. She makes us laugh.
4. She works hard and never takes knowledge for granted.
5. I think JT said it best: She loves us and we love her.

Best wishes on your next journey in life Miss Krystalle. We know you will be a most terrific success.

1 comment:

  1. i love your lists. and i feel honored to have gotten one from you.
    thank you for making me cry at almost 2 in the morning when i can not sleep because i have insomnia since i have a bunch of things to worry about.

    you guys are the best family one can have. and i will never ever ever leave you. i will always always be a care package or phone call away.

    with out J.T.'s wisdom or your guidance these past 2 years, i would not be who or where i am. thank you for always being there, for priceless talks, and being forced to grow up...we will have many more of these times in the future. i'm sure. i love you both too.
