Friday, August 25, 2006

You Can't Make This Crap Up

I came home from getting my tire repaired, to reflect upon the fact that it wasn't enough that I found a nail in my tire (no damage, easily repaired) but that I had to sit in the waiting room at Goodyear with a host of people who were enthusiastically watching the Maury Povich show. Topic du jour: who is my baby's daddy?

I read my book while everyone else watched. And then it slowly dawned on me that of all the people in the room watching the show, I was probably the only one who was an unmarried mother. Who, in fact, doesn't know squat about the father of her baby, known affectionately to me only as "the donor." I realized: I am a baby's mama.

Could my life get any weirder? And if the fates are reading, let me be clear that I am asking merely as a rhetorical question.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers from fellow Scorpio. Your son is totally cute. And I like how you say "no" to him: I think the best gift adult can give to a child is consistent discipline. Stay cool :)
