Sunday, September 10, 2006

I Worry

I received this figurine for Mother's Day when JT was three years old. It was a gift from Lisa and it's always been special to me. This May, it fell off the shelf in the living room and it broke. Lisa carefully glued it back together, though I worried that the break portended bad things coming my way. Lisa told me that I was being silly; that the break meant nothing. Two weeks later, she left. I often thought of that when I walked past the figurine. I should have trusted my instincts.

Today, JT was jumping in the living room (a strictly forbidden activity) and the figurine fell and broke again. JT was sorry and keeps apologizing. I have tried to glue it back together for a second time. And I've moved it to a safe location. But this second break reminds me how fragile our lives are and leaves me just a little fretful that more bad things are coming our way.


  1. Sending hugs. And a reminder that there are good things in your future. After all you have a wonderfully energetic boy who despite occassionally breaking the rules is loving, caring and the bright light in your world.

  2. People are much less breakable than figurines.

    Even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it.

  3.'re m-dawg.
