Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Misapplication of the Golden Rule

JT: This kid at school talks all the time and he annoys me when I want to get work done.

Mama: Well, maybe school is hard for him. Maybe you should be a good friend to him.

JT: Why? He's not a good friend to me.

Mama: Well, you'd like him to be a good friend to you, so maybe you should show him how to be a good friend by being a good friend to him. You know: treat him as you would like to be treated.

JT: Well, I'm going to treat him like he treats me, because that must be how he wants to be treated.

Conclusion: 6 year old logic is a powerful force to be reckoned with.
I'm not sure that I'm up to the challenge 100% of the time.

1 comment:

  1. 6 year old logic is tough to argue with, that's for damned sure.
