Saturday, September 23, 2006

Most Toothsome

I went to the dentist yesterday. Unless nitrous oxide is offered the moment that I walk in the door, dental check-ups are so not my favorite activity. The last time I saw a dentist was 2001. Two things brought me to my dental knees. Thing one was the boy, who no longer believed my claim that "yes, Mama does go to the dentist." Thing two was the persistent pain from the last wisdom tooth I have left in my mouth (and don't think the irony is lost on me). It started hurting in June, when Captain Fun hit the road and honestly, I was in so much emotional pain that I just embraced the tooth pain as part of the package.

Now I am an otherwise responsible girl, so it's not like I had skipped out on my brushing and flossing duties. I want to keep these teeth. But I did not feel a great need for cleaning and polishing.

But the emotional pain is receding and it's time for the dental pain to go. So I sucked it up and went to W's dentist. I am pleased to report that the tooth cleaning went just fine and --- hallelujah --- NO CAVITIES.

Still have to have the wisdom tooth pulled. Yucky. But I'll be working on a plan to make sure that I can get a lot of nitrous oxide out of the deal.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing those pearly whites!
