Thursday, November 09, 2006

Birthday Joy

I turned 39 on Monday and despite all my concerns that it would be a rough day, it turned out to be most grand. My friend E had organized a surprise party in my classroom and JT, who was in on the secret, was so pleased to be included. I was totally surprised, and touched, and it reminded me of all the really, really good things in my life.

And in the evening, I opened some presents that JT had selected on a birthday mission with Miss Shelley. Here again, he was so pleased to have some birthday treats for his Mama, and I was reminded of what a sweet boy he is. He picked out cookie cutters, earrings, and a book to record all the books that I want to read (he was most proud of this last gift). He's only 6 and yet he's already learned how to be thoughtful and kind. And he has good taste.

I'm in a really new place for the 39th year of my life. And it feels good.


  1. Congratulations on such a wonderful birthday! You are indeed a very loved woman.

  2. Glad to hear your birthday was so enjoyable!
