Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mama, her boy and 39 teenagers in the nation's capital

JT joined me on this year's Model Congress trip. This trip used to be my annual escape. Lisa would look after JT and I would enjoy a few days in Washington DC. But when I talked about the trip and the prospect of JT staying with Lisa, he asked me to bring him along instead. Of course I said yes. I brought some extra help with me, in the form of his babysitters J and C. He loved the bus ride, enjoyed lunch at the diner along the way (thanks to Miss Shelley for the tip), and as I write he's playing a fierce game of war with the sitters. Tomorrow we'll see the pandas at the National Zoo and the Smithsonian will keep us busy on Saturday.

But the best part of the trip so far was that moment in the hotel when he took my hand and said, "thanks for bringing me with you Mama."

1 comment:

  1. SO sweet.

    Yay for "making it work" Mama!

    Looks like you're getting full marks on this one.
