Friday, November 03, 2006

Prep School Moment

On Friday afternoon, JT and I drove home two students from my school. C and J are terrific young women ---- bright, hard-working, kind, and both have helped me out by babysitting JT. JT loves it when we drive them to and from school because they give him all sorts of attention.

So we're headed home when we see three high school age girls (not from our school...I can tell by the blue jeans they are wearing) standing on the bench at a bus stop and shouting and gesturing at cars that are passing by. JT is entranced at such poor behavior and he says, "I wonder why they are doing that?"

To which C responds, 'Not enough homework."


I love teaching prep school students.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Oh Oh Oh, was that ever great!! They simply amaze me those students of ours, glad you were there to catch it.
