Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Days in the Kitty Sex Trade Are Over

They are over because this afternoon I took he who must be neutered to be well......unmanned is the phrase that comes to mind. I feel a little bad about Tiger having to spend the night away from home but Lucy is very happy to be released from the smooth moves Tiger brought to the love shack.

Though she has occasionally plaintively wailed for Tiger, I can confidently say that we're all looking forward to a full night of sleep here at Sassafras House.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to burst your bubble, but don't count too much on those silent nights. A friend of mine who has cats did some research and leanred that once female cats have learned their mating cry, they will continue to do it, even if they get spayed or have no mate around.

    Her two female cats enjoy howling and putting the mooves on one another when the time is right ; )
