Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In Praise of Krystalle and Allie J

I had a crummy day at work yesterday and then had to take JT to his seven year check-up, where he got a shot. JT was appropriately indignant about the shot, though he didn't cry. On the way home, I stopped and bought us a bottle of sparkly lemonade, one of my favorite treats. I thought that I'd pour us each a fancy glass and then we'd sit on the back deck to toast my growing boy and his bravery. Instead, the bottle fell out of the bag in the driveway and lemonade (and glass) spread all over.

As I cleaned up the glass in the driveway, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. And frustrated. And annoyed. I was trying to have a stiff upper lip and the universe seemed intent on punching me anyway.

But just as I was finishing my workout, Krystalle and Allie J pulled up in front of the house for a surprise visit. In they came, with cheese and a box of cereal (don't ask) and the energy and laughter that I badly needed. It was a wonderful surprise and an excellent way to call a halt to my pity party.


  1. Yay for surprise visits from good people at just the moment of need!!!

  2. just what you need...
    2 college girls, cheese, and cereal.

    : )

    we missed you too..
