Monday, May 21, 2007

Things I Can't Explain to My Students

My school is racially diverse. I wouldn't say that I take it for granted, exactly, but after five years it's just one of the daily facts of life in my world. And because the students are so comfortable with themselves and one another, it's easy to forget their cultural backgrounds.

Then I show them "Journeys with George," the documentary about the 2000 primary election. The film documents the fact that the Republican candidates all make the requisite appearance at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. And I have to explain why BJU is controversial. But I gamely try, only to look out at 14 faces who are utterly incredulous to hear that there are still places which oppose interracial dating. In states that still fly the Confederate flag (or at least did in 2000).

And in that moment, I feel two things. The first is a feeling that we've failed them. How can it be that the adults have delivered them a world that still has such backward, foolish ideas about race? But then I feel comforted about the future. Because these kids won't stand for such nonsense. They won't have it and we'll all be better off because of that.


  1. Nice picture!

    And sweet hope.

  2. are they bags on your dress?
