Monday, June 04, 2007

Well-Read Garden

I planted my garden a few weeks back and I've been watering and weeding and watching over my growing summer food supply. This weekend it was time to clear out the weeds, fertilize my little baby veggies, and then line the garden with newspapers and cover that with cedar mulch (my personal program for the curbing of the weeds). To be honest, parts of the garden weren't fully cleared out before the plants were put in and this weekend it was time to pay the (weedy) piper.

Between an hour of work yesterday and two hours this afternoon, things are looking pretty good. The newspapers have been laid out and the mulch spread on top. I'll need a few more bags of mulch to seal the deal, but I'm feeling pretty happy right now. This is the first garden I've planted by myself in the last nine years and I'm feeling proud of the work.

Now: show me the tomatoes and peppers!


  1. Looks fabulous! Those are some well-loved plants. We have free mulch at the county level down in Mercer... anything like that up where you are?

  2. You do some darn fine work!
