Monday, August 27, 2007

An Apple from the Family Tree

My sister's children have been taught to answer the telephone, a skill JT is not the least bit interested in mastering. So when I call the Sassafras Sister I'm liable to get one of my nephews on the phone. I like this but they are generally NOT AMUSED. My nephew C, with thick dark hair and big brown eyes, looks like a member of the Sassafras family, but that familiar face of his hides a whole other being. He's not particularly chatty, this young man, and this is always amusing to me because his mother and I are nothing but chatty.

Yesterday afternoon I phoned KO's house and C answered. I asked about the 4th grade, mentioning that my 4th grade teacher was my favorite ever. He wouldn't bite.

"Who is your teacher?" I asked.

"Mrs. O," C reported.

"How was the first week?" I inquired.

I got a one word response, "Fine."

Never one to give up, I threw out one more question, this one kind of sassy, "So you're planning to go back for another week?"

You could feel the "as if" response floating 2000 miles over the phone line, but C settled for a polite, quiet, "yes." He is not taken in by my nonsense.

KO reports that he was in the middle of reading Harry Potter and had to stop reading to answer the phone because his mother was busy. In fact, C is something of a voracious reader, which proves that he is very much one of us, quiet as he is.

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