Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mommy-Blogger Envy

I am basically a mommy blogger (or, more accurately in my case, a mama blogger). I read a good number of other mommy bloggers and often laugh right along with them. Like most of the mommy bloggers I know, I aim for a combination of the snidely funny occasioned with a bit of sweetness and loads of admiration for the wonders of my child.

It's not exactly original, but it can be funny. Lately I've realized that one category of mommy blogging is largely out of my realm, that of the joy (and comfort) of parenting with someone you love by your side. I'm a single mama, meaning that the joys and burdens of parenting are mine alone to manage.

May I say for the record that I am positively green with envy when the rest of the mommy blogging world has the opportunity to hold the hand of their loved one while looking at the sweaty sleeping head of the child they are raising together?

I used to have that, too. I appreciated it every day that I had it. And I miss it terribly.


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Oh wow! I could've written this post!
    I feel we are travelling similar paths.
    I love your blog and will be back to visit again.
    Cheers to single moms!!!

  2. I'm so happy to have found you! I, too, could have written this post. Thanks.
    I'd love to link you from my site!
    We've got to cheer each other on, even when it's done electronically.
    Let me know.
