Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Life in Books

I am a book junkie. From the moment I was pregnant , I was collecting books to read to my baby. Every night since he was born, JT and I have ended our days with a few stories. Back when he had two moms we would take turns reading to him each night. My favorite nights were the evenings we would all curl up together in his bed. I vividly remember the toddler JT who would respond, "No, no, no stories," when the time came to read Good Night Moon. He was looking to avoid sleep those nights. I'll bet that I could still recite every page of his beloved (and appropriately named) The Truck Book. Willoughby the bunny and his little sister Willa gave rise to our family phrase, "That's happy. What else?"

For several years now, we've been into chapter books. There are few pictures in these stories ------ JT says that you make the pictures in your brain. Chapter books have given me the chance to introduce my son to the stories that I loved as a child. We've read most of the Beverly Cleary books (JT loved Ribsy and Henry Huggins) and we've about worked our way through The Great Brain series. We've discovered some new books as well and so I now have additional favorites, including The Indian in the Cupboard and The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs.

I love sharing books with my son. It gives rise to a whole new world of characters and places for us to share. And it's still the very best part of my day.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like he is about the right age for Homer Price by Robert McCloskey. I have sent a copy to my nephews when they were the right age (different ages for different nephews).
