Thursday, January 31, 2008

January Book List

Dai Sijie Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea
Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go
Elizabeth Birkelund Oberbeck The Dressmaker
L.M. Montgomery Anne of the Island
Laura Ingalls Wilder The Long Winter
Jon Krakauer Into the Wild

Toward the end of December, I wrote a posting listing every book that I had read in 2007. This year, I've decided to post a books-read list on a monthly basis. In the next few weeks, I'll post a review of one of these books. I want to give them time to sit in my mind and then I'll write about the one that left the greatest mark on my thoughts. As you can see, there have been a handful of children's books on my table this month, quick reads that charm because they remind me of the first time I read them and how much I enjoyed them. A good book is still good, more than 25 years later.

I always feel productive when I see a long list of books that I've read in the month, though I fear that I've set the bar high for 2008.

What have you been reading this month?

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