Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Brave Boy on a Bike

We've had a taste of spring this week and on the way home from school today JT suggested that we go bike riding. Six months ago he broke his leg while riding his bicycle, so I was thrilled to hear him make the proposal. I eagerly accepted the offer.

As it turns out, my bike had a flat tire that was beyond my repair abilities, so I promised to walk beside him as he rode. He confessed, "I'm a little scared," but then he faced that fear and rode right on down the sidewalk. I couldn't be prouder.


  1. YAY for JT!!! Very well done!

  2. I remember the joy he exuded last summer using his new found skill to race around the campground. I'm glad to see he's worked past being "a little scared", and is enjoying riding again.

  3. A belated (since I'm sure he's logged hundreds of very brave miles between then and now) hooray!
