Monday, July 28, 2008

No Shirt; Big Problem

I first noticed this phenomena when I moved to New Jersey six years ago: A lot of men around here seem to feel that shirts are optional clothing in the summer.

I'm not talking about young men swimming at the local pool, either. I'm talking about men in their 50s, cutting the grass in their front yard, sitting on their front porch, or visiting with their neighbors, sweating profusely and showing the whole world that they enjoy a 6-pack of Bud (and not Bud Lite, either, if you get my drift).

I understand that we can't all of us have a perfect body. And I understand that the summer months can be warm. But there is no earthly explanation for the desire of these yankees to show off their hairy, white bellies.

Nowhere was this regional obsession more clearly evident than at camp. Each morning, as I took a walk to the indoor plumbing, I would be greeted by shirtless men of a certain age. There are a lot of Canadians at camp, but none of them felt the need to be semi-nude. Instead, it was always the dudes from New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

It's a bit disconcerting to see this sight. And all I can say is please, for the love of God, put on a damned shirt.


  1. I blame the parents.

  2. I blame the...oh, shoot.

  3. I am originally from NJ and live in Los Angeles for many years. The short latino man next door does this too and it is so gross, his hairy back is the sight I see when I go out in my front lawn as he is always working on or washing his car and the driveway is right alongside my lawn.

    For some reason short men are the worse in thinking they are hot looking.
