Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Little Hair of the Dog

Being back in New Jersey (and making the switch back to the Eastern Standard Time), has a tendency to leave JT and me a little stupified. Despite our best intentions, I got up at 10 am yesterday and required an entire pot of coffee to face the day. The boy arose at 11:00 am and moved promptly to my bed for Olympic viewing from a reclining position.

A few hours later, JT could be found downstairs in his pajamas, staring into the television screen looking a little less than bright-eyed as the Olympic athletes demonstrated a greater level of fitness than he was able to match for the day. It's like we had a hangover at Sassafras House.
So I figured that the best solution to this situation is a little hair of the dog that bit us. I made guacamole and tostadas for supper and we agreed that it was a taste of California here at home in New Jersey.

1 comment:

  1. I find that lazy and unshowered is the best state to enjoy the olympics in. Otherwise you're just stealing their glory.
