Sunday, August 10, 2008

Real Life Conversations with SWH: Endorsements Edition

The backstory: I'm riding the Dry Creak bike trail with my nephews and JT. JT and C ride fast and they zip right along. S is a more cautious bike rider and he prefers to meander and chat while on the trail. So while JT and C rode ahead, S and I brought up the back, chatting amicably.

S: Aunt Stacy, does JT have a substitute dad?

Aunt Stacy: Well, S, he doesn't have a dad, so I'm not sure what you mean by a substitute dad.

S: You know, like I have a dad and you have a dad. If he needs a substitute dad, I think he should get my Dad or Grandpa. My Dad is a good dad and Grandpa is a good grandpa. So if JT needs one, he should use them.

Aunt Stacy: Good idea, S. You are a wise little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I'm more like a rent-a-dad than a substitute dad. But I do offer family discounts. Rates rise according to the level of involvement you require. Basic rate is me sitting in a recliner, maximum of 10 words per hour.
