Friday, September 05, 2008

Real Life Conversations with JT: Convention Edition

The backstory: We're driving to school, listening to NPR. There is a lead-in to an upcoming story in which the announcer intones, "Next, we'll check on the state of the Republican Party as their convention prepares for Senator McCain to accept the Presidential nomination."

JT: I'll tell you the state of the Republican party. Stupid.

Me: Laughter.

JT: Or dumb. The Republicans are often dumb.

Obviously, the boy has drunk the family Koolaid.

I did think to bring up the need to express our political disagreements in a diplomatic fashion. But the child was channeling his Great Grandma Dorothy and it seemed best to let that sleeping dog lie.


  1. drunk the family kool aid, or is a boy of good sense and compassion, calling it as he sees it?
