Saturday, October 11, 2008


JT and I had a day off from school on Thursday and we spent the afternoon at the park. Afterward, we dropped by one of the many Halloween superstores in the area. We love these stores and can spend a satisfying hour looking at all the costume options. If he could, the boy would wear a costume every day. We picked up some accessories for JT's '08 costume (pictures will be up on the 31st, and you must wait).

Then JT saw these political masks and decided that it was time for him to make his presidential endorsement.

JT gives John McCain a resounding thumbs down:
It seems he'll be voting for Barack Obama this year:
We're hoping for a landslide.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm not sure what's funnier ... the masks, his thumbs up/down or the scary rabbit shirt he's wearing!
