Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grammar Police

You'd think that a book with a title like G.U.M. and all those pretty gumballs on the cover would be fun.

You would be wrong. A couple times a week, JT brings home the G.U.M. book for some grammar-related homework. Predicates, prepositional phrases, subjects, nouns, and verbs. This book and these assignments like to kill me.

And now I'm reviewing this post to see that I've used the proper grammar. I face a constant personal challenge to use active language, but perhaps I commit other grammar sins as well? I'm guessing that the upcoming year of grammar homework will make that abundantly clear.

Goody, goody gumballs.

1 comment:

  1. Having served my indenture at the hands of the grammar police in the guise of Roman Catholic nuns with nicknames like Sister Mary Meatface and Ralph, I can assure you cuting it up doesn't enhance the efficacy of the process. Although, certain parents of my acquaintance who walked in my shoes swear that the beatings helped. As always, your mileage on this will vary.
