Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Real Life Conversations with JT: Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

The backstory: It's Sassafras House policy not to fire up the furnace until November 1st. That's just 11 days away, which doesn't seem horrible until you realize that the temperature has recently dipped just below freezing at night. Monday morning, the house was a balmy 52 degrees as I headed to the shower. Getting dressed was a bit chilly. Last night, JT sought to challenge the House rules. He began by climbing into my lap. While we sat together, we talked about the furnace.

JT: Mama, I have a question.

Mama: Okay.

JT: When are you going to turn on the furnace?

Mama: On November 1st.

JT: Okay, Mama. But I'm tired of getting dressed under the covers of my bed. But if I don't.....well, Mama, I'd freeze my butt off.

Obviously, my Nebraska-born boy has gone soft. But soft or not, we can't have his bootie frozen. The furnace was fired up this morning.


  1. Wow, I can't believe you caved! All hail boy power.

  2. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear you caved. Don't want your alien visitor to freeze his booty off.

  3. We caved this morning, mostly cause I was working at home today and my lips were already blue 30 minutes after I got up.

  4. The infant who lives at our house has made it very hard to hold out - we caved many nights ago!
