Monday, November 10, 2008

Real Life Conversations with JT: Cleanliness is Next to Something Edition

The backstory: the rug on in my living room floor has just been vacuumed. Soon after, JT has enjoyed a helping of potato chips, his most favorite snack ever. As I am walking upstairs with a load of laundry, I see two large crumbs on the living room floor.

Me: I'm sure that I don't see two potato chips on my freshly-vacuumed rug.

JT (looking at the items in question on the rug): Really? Because if that's true, then you need to get your eyes checked.

I believe that this sort of sass is called reaping what you've sown.

1 comment:

  1. That deserves a hardy, "Heh!" delivered with a bemused sneer.
