Saturday, February 28, 2009

Creativity Reviewed

For the past month, I have been participating in Thing-a-Day, a website to encourage daily creativity. I basically learned two things as I participated in the project. The first is that my blog is a huge creative outlet for me. And the second is that I felt slightly fraudulent if my Thing-a-Day project wasn't something tangible: cards, or food, or something like that.

It's just like me to think that there are rules for creativity.

What I liked about Thing-a-Day is that it cemented my interest in some new blog writings that I plan to make regular features: the 1st of the month hosta photo (this year's version of the 1st of the month tree photos), the monthly feature on household style, and Food Friday, which will become an occasional feature in the months ahead.

Thing-a-Day reminded me to enjoy the creativity that is a regular part of my life: wrapping packages, making cards, and writing notes. And, finally, it reminded me how much I love politics.

I deliberately chose not to write about politics for the month of February; an effort to give my political brain a chance to rest and reformulate. And I've missed writing about the thing that consumes so much of my cognitive time. So there will be more political writing next month. Because I've got a few things to get off my chest.

Republican party: I'm looking at you.


  1. I like the creative stuff, but I can't wait to hear some political stuff. You're like my personal Rachael Maddow. . . but with better hair.
