Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March one-liners

More one-liners, offered in he same spirit as last month's entry. There's not more to these stories, but if there was you can bet that I'd read on.

"That's worth getting a migraine over."

"Okay. Now I'm going to stop being such a frigid bitch."

"Yes, I was picking my nose."

"He has a Masters in Divinity. Can you get a Masters degree in Immortality?"

"She looks like a skank whore in that dress."

"I wanted war, not Thanksgiving."

"I'm going outside to do war. Dora the Explorer will never own this land."

1 comment:

  1. Me to Evie as she picks her nose: Are you digging for gold?

    Evie: No mom, I'm picking my nose.
