Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life List

My last posting was about day dreaming and making a life list. And today, I'm posting a life list that I've been working on for the last few months. It's fun to think about and I have to admit that my list is getting longer and longer. But I'll start with a good sound number: twenty-five. In no particular order, here are twenty-five things on my life list:

1. Have my own hot tub. 2. Hold my grandchild. 3. Take a cruise. 4. Visit all 50 states; current total: 42. 5. Find the perfect quilt for my bed. 6. Drive across country.....with JT behind the wheel. 7. Take JT to Europe. 8. Get a new bicycle. 9. Share my love of the Little House books with my child. 10. Have a front porch so incredible it could be on the cover of Country Living magazine. 11. Live in the South (again). 12. Throw terrific parties again. 13. Train a vining plant to grow on a trellis in my backyard. 14. Learn to make a tasty white wine sangria. 15. Take a class in experimental philosophy at Rutgers University. 16. Finish the upgrade of the upstairs hallway....and then put up a cool wall decal from an etsy shop. 17. Teach JT to appreciate eating a variety of fresh fruits & vegetables. 18. Teach a course in American Foreign Policy (again....I taught it years ago, when I was a college professor). 19. Own a kick-ass black cashmere cardigan sweater. 20. Find the perfect dress. Wear it someplace special. Feel amazing. 21. Make (and eat!) a fruit pie made from apples and pears I grew myself. 22. Endow a scholarship at my alma mater, UCLA. 23. Clean up the boxes in the basement. 24. Visit Montreal. 25. Re-furbish the wood Adirondack chairs in the back yard.

As I cross things off my list (see number 9 above, finished before I was ready to share my life list with the world), I plan on writing about the experience. It's really nice for me to look toward the future. Thanks to Maggie for the inspiration.

What's on your life list?

1 comment:

  1. My life list: 1. Go poop alone.
    2. Go on a romantic vaction with the hubs since we never had a honeymoon. 3. Hold my grandchild (good one, Stacy) 4. Have a house big enough that each of my kids has his/her own bedroom. 5. Stop saying, "like" all the time.

    I need more time to think. . .
