Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Date Night

This fall, JT and I made plans to celebrate the start of the school year and mark the end of the summer.  We decided that we'd go out to supper together.  He'd pick the restaurant and together we'd review the best parts of our summer.  As we started to contemplate our evening together, JT took to calling it our "date night," and, with a nod to Dr. Freud, so will I.

My companion brought charm and hunger to the table.  We talked about the start of the school year (the teacher he was scared of is strict.....but not mean at all, he reports; art and gym are still his favorite subjects but science is pretty cool). We talked about our best memories of the summer (that bike ride in Cape Cod is a guaranteed do-over for next summer).  He made me laugh and smile.  But mostly he made me feel incredibly blessed to be his mama.

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