Monday, September 14, 2009

This Week in Cookies

Most weekends, I get out the cookie sheets and make homemade baked goods for the week's lunch box enjoyment.  On occasion, I place some of the fresh-baked goodness in the freezer for the weekends when things are too busy for baking.  In this way, we always have homemade cookies on hand at Sassafras House.This past weekend I made two batches of cookies.  I made JT's favorite, chocolate chip  cookies (some had walnuts because I like them that way) and I also made some molasses spice cookies, using this recipe from Simply Recipes.

The molasses spice recipe calls for big cookies, but I make mine smaller, taking care to dip each ball of dough into white sugar.  This helps to hold the sticky dough together and makes for a tasty cake-like cookie. 

Later this month, I'll be teaching my U.S. History students about the Sugar Act, which occasions an explanation of the popularity of molasses in the American colonies.  Molasses is still available, but in modern life we don't use it nearly as often as it was used 200 years ago.  So that day, the students will get a molasses spice cookie, a taste of the past to spice up their very modern lives.

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely trying the cookie recipe. They sound delicious. Maybe I'll look up the Sugar Act online, too.
