Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bounty From Home

Yesterday afternoon, my parents flew in from California.  Their visit is a highly anticipated event here at Sassafras House ---- JT couldn't wait to talk their ears off and I'm happy to have a full seating at the supper table each night. 

In addition to bringing themselves, they arrived with produce.  There are some beautiful limes from Dad's backyard tree:

And some Calvado avocados (my favorite).  My mother reports they cost just 50 cents.  Information like this makes me swoon with envy.  I see a large bowl of guacamole in our immediate future.

Last night, Grandma, who used to teach the 4th grade, helped out with math homework, a very welcome respite of my regular duties.

And JT got to watch some baseball with his Grandpa.  In all probability,  this means JT will learn some new and handy ways to use profanity.

All is well.

1 comment:

  1. Most excellent swag from the Sassafras parents. Greetings to all from these parts.
