Friday, March 05, 2010

Real Life Conversation with JT: Healthcare Policy Edition

The backstory: In keeping with his Sassafras Family origins, JT is prone to talking back to the television.  The other morning, he was watching a game show and talking back to the telly.

TV:  Blah, blah, blah, medicine for depression, blah, blah, blah....side effects may include bleeding.

JT:  A depression medicine with a side effect of bleeding?  I think that unexplained bleeding would make me even more depressed.  Fools.

Wisdom like this might be very useful in the on-going healthcare debate in Washington D.C. I will notify Congress at once.


  1. At least he didn't see a Viagra commercial and have to point out, "Who would want a four hour erection?"

  2. I can just hear him say it too.

  3. I love it. This made me laugh - really.
