Friday, March 26, 2010

Sartorial Issues

I am a girl who demands exacting rigor in her reading of the calendar,  Come November, I expect the weather to turn appropriately cold, so that I can wear sweaters and tights with no fear of being overly warm.  I feel the same way come March, but in the reverse: I'd like to wear warm-weather, spring clothing.  And because that's what I want, that's what I expect ---- so I banish the dark wool and corduroy skirts and tights in favor of lighter weight skirts and sweaters.  While the tights are washed and put away; sandals and flip flops are located.  I am ready for Spring.

This tidy, ordered system would work quite well but for Mother Nature, who is unwilling to just flip a switch and declare the arrival of spring.  So there will be a day or two of warmth followed by the return of cold.  Things will go back and forth and I will be hopelessly unprepared.  And cranky about it.

I refuse to wear tights past the second week of March.  Right up until then, I will tolerate cold weather, taking the attitude that Mother Nature just doesn't get it.  But once past the 15th,  I grow sternly impatient with Mother Nature and her fickle behavior.

Not surprisingly, Mother N doesn't give a damn.  She treats me like the child I am.  I could hear her speaking to me this morning, as temps stopped rising at 45 degrees and I still went to work sans stockings.   I could just hear Mother Nature speaking to me: "Fine, missy.  Dress that way if you like, but you'll be cold."  And, damn it if she isn't right, I am cold........but I blame Mother Nature, not my own poor judgment.

I suppose I should dredge up some tights and wool to deal with the cold.  But the biennial  closet change-out has already been made.  And I am a girl who takes comfort in her strict routines.  And so I am left to hope that my pride will keep me warm.


  1. I do admire how you don't let reality mess with your reality.

  2. I bought 3 new pairs of capri pants hoping that my optimism would cheer on Spring. Keep on with the positive thinking.
