Monday, April 12, 2010

Real Life Conversations with JT: General Manager edition

Now that the baseball season is underway, all of JT's free time is consumed with the sport.  He tapes endless hours of ESPN programming and every morning he eats his breakfast while reviewing the scores from the previous night.  He's thinking about baseball all the time, thus leading to all sorts of interesting conversations, just like this one, which happened in the car on the way to school this morning.

JT:  Catchers don't need to have baseball hats.  They wear a catcher's mask while they are catching.  And a batting helmet when they're hitting.  So they don't need a baseball cap.  A team could save some money that way.

Mama:  I'm sure that the Yankees are looking for just that sort of way to stay on budget, son. 

The boy has management potential.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! Your kid is way too grown up sometimes, Mama! :-)

    And speaking of caps, the word verification is vaticap: a cap on the pope's ability to move pedophiles from church to church
