Monday, June 14, 2010

All Water, All the Time

Permit me, if you will, a time line of my adventures with water in 2010.

In March, massive rains arrived in New Jersey.  My basement filled with water and my dining room ceiling sprung a leak.  The basement has since been drained and cleaned out; the dining room leak has been plugged.  The damaged ceiling still requires repair, and I might have gotten to the job sooner if it weren't for the month of April.

In April, the bathroom plumbing commenced to leak through the kitchen ceiling.  A quick repair stopped the immediate dripping.  And a bathroom remodel, including brand new plumbing and a whole lot of new tile, assured that it wouldn't happen again.  That project took us right into May.  The kitchen ceiling, now repaired, has now been added to my list of summer ceiling projects in need of paint.

I'd hoped that the arrival of June would bring some smooth sailing.  Instead, when I went downstairs this morning with a load of laundry in hand, I found some water.  Not a lot of water, mind you, but water nonetheless.  And water in a spot in the basement which had never had water before (which is saying something).  The wetness seemed to spread from the hot water heater.  And by the end of the day, Sassafras House was the proud owner of a new hot water heater. 

I do my best to lie low when it comes to the Universe.  But clearly there is some wet message that I have not yet heard.  I'll be spending the next few days sorting that issue out, if only to avoid whatever wet disaster July plans on splashing my way.


  1. I'm tempted to special order you a giant case of sponges as a preventive measure.


  2. At least your water heater didn't decide that the Saturday before Christmas, with a blizzard imminent was the time to start leaking. Four days without a hot water heater wasn't fun. Here's hoping the only water adventures you have in July involve the ocean.

  3. Is there some dude who owns stock in The Home Depot sabotaging you? You'll have a brand new house by the end of the summer at this rate! Yay! Just trying to stay positive. . .

  4. How does JT feel about the idea of becoming a plumber?
