Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Promiscuous Gardener

I can never say no to a plant and for this reason I am what you might call a promiscuous gardener.  Happily, I often end up with amazing plants as a result of this behavior.    But that just reinforces my easy ways.  If I had this problem with animals or children, some sort of state protective services would be called in and I would be gently separated from the beast in question, sternly warned to stop this nonsense, and then left to behave myself.

But there is no Plant Protective Services and I can't say no, which is how I ended up with over 150 canna bulbs this spring.  Cannas in bloom are lovely and I've long admired them.  So when the canna bulb offer was made by a fellow Little League parent I quickly said yes.  And when the bulbs arrived in greater number then I expected, I planted and planted and planted.  More than 50 of the bulbs made their way into my garden in various spots all over the yard.  The rest were distributed to fellow gardeners. 

These flowers will grow to be quite tall; the beds in which they were planted are already looking quite lovely.  I am eager for the spectacular display that will soon follow. 
The worst part, of course, is that my garden promiscuity is only furthered by experiences like this.  Plants in need of home, take note.  There is always a bit more space at Sassafras House.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, yours are huge - the ones you gave me just popped their heads out the other day, but then it took me forever and a year to plant them - so long I thought I might have killed them! I am so excited they are alive! oh, and thanks for adding to my gardens.
