Saturday, June 05, 2010

Real Life Conversations with JT: Little Pitchers edition

The backstory:  We were driving through a fairly empty parking lot on Friday afternoon when I pulled a classic Nebraska move and just shot across the rows, ignoring every traffic law on the books.  JT, ever the law-abiding child, was horrified.

JT:  What are you doing?

Mama:  Driving Nebraska-style.

JT: We're not in Nebraska and this is illegal.

Mama:  We're not in Nebraska?  How can you be so sure?

JT:  If we were in Nebraska, everybody would be white.

I fell out laughing.  When people have asked for a New Jersey-Nebraska comparison, I have often noted that the lack of ethnic diversity in Nebraska was always unsettling.  Apparently the "little pitchers have big ears" parable of children still holds true.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!! Come to my 'hood in Lincoln. We're a really diverse group here in Air Park. Sometimes I feel a little odd being white when at the neighborhood grocery store. :-)
