Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Halloween Decorations

Last year, when my next door neighbor gave me a table with a cast iron base, I immediately began to plan for its seasonal use on my porch.  After more than a year of setting out flowers and plants, I've come to the conclusion that the porch's best month is October.
I scored the tablecloth for less than $10 from an Etsy shop with a stock of used tablecloths.  The black metal cat hiding in the mums is also an Etsy find.  In the summer, I use these baskets to hold veggies and flowers picked from my garden.  Come October, my harvest dwindles and the baskets have been pressed into use for mums and pumpkins.  The ivy in the galvanized pail will soon come inside for the winter but the weather is plenty warm enough for it to spend October on the table with a ghost tucked in-between the leaves.
I've hung out my fall flag and put the ghost sign in the yard.  I'm ready for cool weather, goblins, ghosts, and a little Halloween candy.  Okay, a lot of candy.

1 comment:

  1. #1 - I am so jealous of your front porch. In my neck of suburbia front porches are missing, which sucks. It's hard to get to know people when they are hidden behind their privacy fences.
    #2 - My Halloween decorations all involve tombstones, skeletons, and zombies. No mums. Just mummies. :-(
