Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Household Happiness: Hallway Wall Decals

Last summer, when I updated my life list I included an item about my hallway upstairs (number 16, for those of you playing along at home).  The plan was to strip the wallpaper, paint the wall and then add some wall decals that I'd been admiring at Elephannie's Etsy shop.  Stripping off the wallpaper and painting the wall was a big job and when that was complete I decided to live with the walls for a while. This winter, after hours of daydreaming about the wall decals I wanted, I bought some flowers to place by the hallway mirror.
They were easy to put on the wall and I liked the clean lines of Elephannie's design.   I started thinking about what else I would add to the hallway.  I wanted colors that echo the living room re-do; this upstairs hallway paint is a shade lighter than the living room and for accents I wanted to use the same dark red and brown in the room downstairs.  Flowers were an easy first choice but I didn't want the hallway to be too girly.  Elephannie's shop had lots of options.  I went with a nature theme and selected some birds and a squirrel.

The birds are a nice touch (note the red birds above the bedroom door of a certain Cardinals fan).  The squirrel, which is the first thing the eye sees coming upstairs, makes me smile, in no small measure because it reminds me of our good friend Pesky the backyard squirrel (you can read about him here and here).  Elephannie sent a sample bird to try out the installation.  I tried it by the light switch in my bedroom, where it stays.
This whole wall decal business is very alluring.  Easy installation, reasonable cost, lots of choices……I've been thinking of re-painting the guest room and if I do, I'll use some wall decals on the re-designed room  Until then, the hallway looks terrific and I've checked another item off my life list.  Yeah, me!


  1. I am a big fan of your blog and have no qualms about accepting that you have created a niche for yourself in the blogging world. Impressed with your skilful writing and rendering of blog posts

    Toronto Painter

  2. I love the flowers near the floor... I bet the kitties appreciate something pretty at their eye level too :)

  3. I was really hoping you'd get a decal that said, "Gay but not in that flamboyant, up in your face kind of way." Well, maybe that wouldn't fit. How about "I'm pro-choice and a lesbian. Defund me now." Or what about "Bloom where you're planted." Yes, that works. :-)
