Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have six years worth of photos of JT at camp.  Life around here often features reminders of just how fast he's growing up, but there's nothing quite like a break in our routine for me to realize just how much he's grown in a year.

Pictured below is JT at camp in 2006, the first year that we traveled to Cape Cod.
 And then there was 2007 (he's pictured here with his buddy D.....and lest you worry, the boys asked to be tied to the tree).
 Our hero was taller in 2008.
And taller still in 2009.
Do you sense a theme?
For much of 2011, I've experienced these moments of breathlessness about how incredibly fast time is passing.  This year's version of the boy is stronger, taller, and louder.

Just the sight of him (even when caked in grime) still fills my heart with joy.
And he's more awesome than ever, this no-longer-little boy of mine.

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