Sunday, August 21, 2011

Burpee Gardens

For as long as I can remember, the Burpee Garden seed catalog has come to my home.  It's an inheritance from my dad, who loves himself some Burpee seeds.  For two days each year, the Burpee folks open their Doylestown, Pennsylvania test gardens to the public.  Friday, my friend T and I made the trip to annual Fall Harvest days for some pretty awesome garden envy.
We got to see the Hope Garden, which featured prairie grasses and was a lovely place for a walk.
And we had a look at one of the test gardens (Burpee calls it the Secret Garden, which I found charming).
The meadow behind the original Burpee house is a sight to behold.
Though the Burpee Company is devoted to seeds as well as perennial flower plants, their Doylestown, Pennsylvania garden has also been a place where they cultivate trees.
I have a garden each year and I put Burpee seeds in the ground for many of my plants.   I've had a bit of a challenging garden season (talking to you, possum-in-my-yard), so I walked through the Burpee paths, I had some pretty serious garden envy.  For example, I love these lush tomato plants.
Those peppers look pretty delicious.
The Burpee squash looks tasty.
My water-conscious dad would approve of this method of drip irrigation, in use at the Burpee raised beds.
Next year, I will try some bean poles like these (there were also some bamboo options, which I forgot to make a picture of).
I wish my zinnias had been this impressive.
I got plenty of ideas for next year's garden, a reminder that gardening is about patience and reward, and had a very nice day.
That's happy.  What else?

1 comment:

  1. Does Burpee make a seed that lets me grow boobs like yours?? I swear to god if my bra size shrinks anymore I will give up yoga out of spite. Colby always tells me that with an ass like mine I don't need boobs, but back handed compliments do not cheer me up. :-)
