Thursday, September 29, 2011

Genetic Condition

In the past three years, JT has become a veritable encyclopedia of baseball facts.  He watches ESPN's Baseball Tonight and reads baseball news with a hunger tinged by obsession.  He's told me more than once that his dream job is to be a team General Manager some day.

He's got a complicated system of fan loyalties that reads like a genetic inheritance.  His favorite team is the Cardinals, because that's Grandpa's team.  He likes the Giants and the A's because those are also his Grandpa's teams, and we're a Nor Cal family.  He hates the Dodgers (see above: Nor Cal family).  Locally, he prefers the Phillies, and sniffs with disdain at the big money Yanks and Red Sox (thanks, Grandpa).

Last night's games, which likely shortened the lives of baseball fans all over America, found my boy simply thrilled.  The Cards clinched the National League Wildcard spot after the Phillies beat the Braves in the 13th inning.  The Red Sox were eliminated in a heart break of a game for Sox fans.  As ESPN showed film of the Cards celebrating their Wildcard win, JT called Grandpa for a final consult.  Their Cardinals start the playoffs with the Phillies on Saturday but they re-assured themselves that there's no cause for concern here ---- the Cards beat the Phillies six times in nine meet-ups this season.  As JT settled into his bed (the one with National League-themed sheets) my tired, happy boy smiled up at me and announced, "I love baseball."


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