Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chicken Hooker

Known to the world as Henrietta Chicken, this dog toy is the fave of some dogs of my acquaintance.
T and I dubbed her the Chicken Hooker because……..well, it's obvious, isn't it?
Though she's been known to stay in Florida, she's no stranger to the street corners of greater northern New Jersey.
Henrietta is the frequent companion of Bibi and Sam, though Sam ardently believes he has the market cornered on her affections.
Last Saturday, Henrietta had herself a busy day.
At one point, T tried to offer Hen safe haven, but the Chicken Hooker loves her work. 
She opted for a Saturday afternoon lay-about on the hammock.
If I know the Chicken Hooker, she won't be at rest for long.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but those look like balls under her beak. Who made this toy??? Yikes.
